About Us

Started in 2018 we’re on a mission to connect on a more profound level with nature.

SOLIDO is deeply rooted in its family - ‘Solido’ are the names of my wife & children 🙂 (SOfia, LIgia, DOminic).

Around the World - In 2022 we have delivered over 100 houses in 10 countries around Europe.

Every year we double that number!

Be part of the mission!

After years of testing hundreds of shapes & sizes, we think we got a great home shape. Everything else can be customized.

Solido Escape is our only tiny house structure available.

It can be installed or removed from a trailer. Fits perfectly on a Vlemmix TH660 Trailer with 2 axles of 1800kg each.

The trailer can be registered in any country in  Europe and can be towed with an SUV. The total weight of the tiny house + trailer does not exceed 3500kg.

Invest in an off-grid BnB on wheels today. Place anywhere in the world.

Solido Escape is an ON or OFF-GRID prefabricated tiny house, fully furnished.

You can install it near a lake, deep in a forest, at the edge of a field, on a mountain hill or in your garden - ON grid or completely OFF Grid!

Available inventory delivered in 1 week.

(Shipping anywhere in Europe)

Custom made units are delivered in 90 days or less.

All Solido houses are installed in one day, no extra on-site work.

Solido's History

We have years of experience..here's some of it


Everything started with an idea around 2016. Mihai (the founder & CEO) passioned about living off-grid decided to embark on a mission of a life-time.


We're starting to expand, beyond our friend's backyards. We took our first non-mobile tiny house across Europe for certification.


If we're gonna take them all over Europe, why not make our tiny houses mobile?


Elon Musk said it best: "It's easy to make a few units. Mass production is a nightmare".

Your stories are what keep us going.


People & even huge brands love our tiny houses. This fuels our work every day.

Our team is growing at a rapid pace and we could not be happier with the progress we've made this year.


After years & hundreds of iterations we settled on one shape. Solido Escape. Everything else is fully customizable in a few clicks, right on our website.

We're always open to talk to you and hear your thoughts.

Contact Us

Email us any questions you might have. We're eager to making each and every one of our customers happy.

See one our Tiny Houses

Contact Us and we can get you connected with the closest Solido House to you, so you can see our work.